Design thinking

Is a solution-oriented approach to problem-solving that emphasizes empathy, creativity, and user-centricity. This roadmap breaks down the process into actionable steps, showcasing my approach to tackling challenges creatively and effectively in any design project.

**Steps to Apply Design Thinking**


Immerse yourself in the user’s world to understand their challenges, motivations, and needs. Techniques like interviews and observational studies are invaluable here.


Synthesize research findings into clear, concise problem statements. This step provides a focus for ideation and ensures that solutions address the right challenges.


Encourage creative brainstorming to generate a wide range of solutions. Techniques like mind mapping or SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse) can inspire innovative ideas.


Develop tangible representations of the most promising ideas. Prototypes enable quick testing and refinement without the need for fully developed products.


Gather user feedback on prototypes to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Use this feedback to refine solutions and iterate further.

By NN Group

We conducted research with UX professionals and designers to find out what they think Design Thinking actually is. What attributes do practitioners assign to Design Thinking, as used in practice? And how does this understanding evolve as practitioners get more experience?

By AJ&Smart

What is Design Thinking? Why is it still so important? In this video AJ&Smart CEO Jonathan Courtney shares the definition of Design Thinking, an overview of the processes, and why they're so important to innovation!

By Sprouts

Design Thinking is a 5-step process to come up with meaningful ideas that solve real problems for a particular group of people. The process is taught in top design and business schools around the world. It has brought many businesses lots of happy customers and helped entrepreneurs from all around the world, to solve problems with innovative new solutions.